Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mrs. Cochrane attends a wedding ceremony

The teachers at the Scholarshome school honored me by dressing me up in their "sharee" or formal dress.

I was privileged to sit beside the bride on the stage. Tomorrow is her wedding day. Tonight's celebration is her final night with her family. They all gathered together to dress her and escorted her to the party.

During the ceremony, Johan (one of the teachers at Scholarshome school) and I were invited to sit beside the bride. As part of their culture, the bride places a bite of cake in our mouths and then we each give her a bite of cake. How funny is this! The man working with the video company at the wedding celebration had on this shirt! What a hoot! A little piece of Tennessee I found in Bangladesh! I wonder if he even knows what Jack Daniels is. Since Bangladesh is mostly muslim, alcohol is forbidden.

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