Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Two Weeks in Bangladesh

To the reader:
In February 2011, the Department of State, through the IREX/TEA program, sent me to work with the students and teachers of the Scholarshome School in Sylhet, Bangladesh. My host, Musammat Badrunnesha, serves as the Assistant Principal. Scholarshome is a private school that is operating on four different campuses around Sylhet. I was priviledged to observe, teach, and hold teacher workshops at these schools.
I found the culture of Bangladesh to be totally invigorating! You will find many photographs throughout this blog that are evidence of a vibrant, colorful, and alive culture. The people were accepting of me, although for many of them I was their first glimpse of American culture. They accepted my clothing, language, religion, (The people of Bangladesh are mainly Hindu or Islamic.) and traditions. The students were curious about me, yet very respectful.
Since my return to Tennessee, my students have connected via email with the students at the Scholarshome school. We hope to have many future connections and I pray that I will someday be able to return to my friends in Bangladesh.
Rita Cochrane
David Lipscomb Campus School
Nashville, TN